Heh. I did smth sinful this morning. Shall not say what. You'll get question marks in your head.
We did 2 expts in a row today. Physics followed by Chemistry. So tiring. Miss Teo Hwee Hong hit my hand lor. Oh man, wassup with her. Dun make me be crude, Miss Teo. Just because I measured the length wrongly. I felt so totally grossed out. This is one of the wrong results that I got. Haha. Nice colour, that's why the post:

Now, here's a pic of the stupid chemical that I boiled and it just flew out leaving jus a few cm(cube) of chemical behind:
Another weird combi (left: ELYL, right: VanVan):
Did I mention about Man~ explosion of test-tube after boiling? haha. I got s shocked la. My life's in danger, man. LUCKILY we're a sink apart. Hah. I pity ELYL. She broke quite a no. of test-tubes/ boiling tube. Haha. My class has broke a total of 9 test-tubes today. record-breaking eh? haha. During PE, we did the ACES dady workout again. Haha. I like it alot alot alot!! We danced to songs of the 4 languages. Temperature, Mr Q, Devuda Devuda oh~ (heh, the best) and an unknown malay song. DM, ELYL and I went for ice-cream @ the push-cart outside school again today! haha. ELYL had ripple in a cup, DM had Sweet Corn in bread and I had Ripple in bread. Ha. See the similarities between my IC and theirs? heh. no link~.
Well, so long=).
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