
what do the harry potter poeple think of you?realistic questions and results
~GRYFFINDOR~HARRY:loves you and is glad you love him are a great couple and everyone knows that you two are together and that harry will kill anyone that trys and kisses you.RON:thinks you are really nice,and thinks you have a wonderful personallity and great charm.he loves you as a sister or a too hang out together alot, harry sometimes gets mad at you for hanging out with ron more then him.HERMIONI:thinks you are great. she loves that you are so nice and easygoing. but finds that you go crazy really too quickly and is afraid that you will get yourself into trouble.NEVILLE:thinks that you are nice and pretty. he wishes you would have kissed him back though.but knows that you are with harry and is ashamed that he tryed to make out with you.GINNY:you too are really good friends. you too are like sisters. she is mad though that you took harry.CHO:thinks you are nice but dosnt know that much about you.PANCY: thinks you are too nice and is your idol, but dosnt show it.DRACO: dislikes you, and thinks you are good looking, but wouldnt dream of cheating on me!!(me:*evil look)PROFESSERS: dumbuldor:thinks you are great at both your studies and personality. loves your nice attitude. mcgonagle:thinks you are a great person at heart and a very smart girl snape:cant help but find that you are really nice,and cant find a reson to take off points hagrid:loves when you help take care of the animals with him voldamort: has no clue that you exist,and i think you like that so you dont get killed you are a really nice person and love to help love the feeling when someone you helped study gets an A and love to be alone and enjoy Gods wonderful creation,the world!
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