Just some random pics:

Went for a lil prac with Dixon and xiaomarc at Soka Kindergarten. The others were rehearsing for Chingay la!! ARGH. I wanna join.. Pls Shini.. Because I'm in the cultural group, but Dix's also from Brass band and he's the trainer for Chingay some more.
Wahaha.. I revealed his secret =X Even though, he said that I'll have a high chance of getting in cos there's not many people for Chingay. I'll chant very hard for that to happen (: Btw, xiaomarc jus happens to be the CUTEST earthling I've ever seen. He rolls on the small table and he's 14. I managed to psycho Dix to join SNCO..... soon. Heehee.
Aiyah, the both of them are so kind to send me out to the road to catch a cab to YCK.. Thank you!! (: Flagged by them oso =X
Is it coincidence or what? Most of the cabs that I hop on alone, have drivers that are very friendly, spontaneous and conversational. Especially this time round, buay ta han! At first I thought by catching a cab, I could grasp some breath in my already hectic schedule, but I changed my mind. Asked me everything on earth.. even things more than I should know. From this chatting session, I earned $5 discount. So I ended up paying $10 only..
Reached YCK just on time. They spelt my name on the alumni list.. WRONGLY! It's Lim Shi Pheng, Vanessa. Not Lim Shi Peng, Vanessa. Btw, I can go for investiture on the 7th but I won't be able to stay for alumni band prac at night due to some other commitments. Sorry..
Did some crazy shuffling around Singapore and I'm slumbering VERY SOON..
- A quiescent mind-

Went for a lil prac with Dixon and xiaomarc at Soka Kindergarten. The others were rehearsing for Chingay la!! ARGH. I wanna join.. Pls Shini.. Because I'm in the cultural group, but Dix's also from Brass band and he's the trainer for Chingay some more.
Wahaha.. I revealed his secret =X Even though, he said that I'll have a high chance of getting in cos there's not many people for Chingay. I'll chant very hard for that to happen (: Btw, xiaomarc jus happens to be the CUTEST earthling I've ever seen. He rolls on the small table and he's 14. I managed to psycho Dix to join SNCO..... soon. Heehee.
Aiyah, the both of them are so kind to send me out to the road to catch a cab to YCK.. Thank you!! (: Flagged by them oso =X
Is it coincidence or what? Most of the cabs that I hop on alone, have drivers that are very friendly, spontaneous and conversational. Especially this time round, buay ta han! At first I thought by catching a cab, I could grasp some breath in my already hectic schedule, but I changed my mind. Asked me everything on earth.. even things more than I should know. From this chatting session, I earned $5 discount. So I ended up paying $10 only..
Reached YCK just on time. They spelt my name on the alumni list.. WRONGLY! It's Lim Shi Pheng, Vanessa. Not Lim Shi Peng, Vanessa. Btw, I can go for investiture on the 7th but I won't be able to stay for alumni band prac at night due to some other commitments. Sorry..
Did some crazy shuffling around Singapore and I'm slumbering VERY SOON..
- A quiescent mind-
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