Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It's bad sometimes when I can't type out what I feel. SIGH.

I've been sighing the whole day though.

For things that matter, and things that should not. Eh I feel like shitting. NVM.

Well, I just finished presenting so there's some extra time for me to type this post when other's are presenting. First group to present la, that's why.

It's everything about blood disorder + loads of alien scientific terms. But it was supposed to be easy but our Dear Facilitator made it so tough. For eg, she kept talking about mRNA and tRNA making them sound so difficult that after research, there were just transferring amino acids to the messengerRNA. DAMMIT. LOL

Still very in love with SeokEng <3 Cos she has been brainwashing and psychoing me everyday, thank you girl! BUT! I've been sinking into that spiral of ______ deeper and deeper. Crying in class is not a sight anymore.




because i think i know what is going on, and that strips sanity off me.


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