Saturday, March 01, 2008

Less than 1440 min.

Plan a date, for the recording. *nervous* I haven't picked the song yet! 1 of every language then (that I have in my library-.-).

Somehow or rather, I tend to love yawning on rainy days than to slumber. That's not what I really wanted.

Oh ya! Caught Meet the Spartans and CJ7 (couple of weeks back). People say the former is damn lame, which I can't agree anymore and more that it has prolly broken more than infinity legs. I'd rather spend the money on dvds. There is definitely NO plot, none at all. Walt Disney merely tried to merge all funny phenomenons from America, mixed and matched with all last minute takes to get this.. "Just for Laughs" Season 0 to be played on the screens. Don't let them earn your hard earned bucks for a movie like that. Trust me, you'd rather watch the most bimboistic chick flick ever, paying twice the amount of money.

CJ7's so-so lor. Nothing ignited. Bo....ring.

Ages since I've WALKED THROUGH town. Haha. Ok, though I go there at intervals of days but they were planned and not free n easy. My wallet is al'ready for it (:


sing to the dawn~


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