Morning Gongyo & SD Concert.
Morning Gongyo
Darling came over and we met Pengna then to SSCC with Jerry and his friend on the way. LOL. It was more like a friends gathering because we saw so many friends there! Maybe it's due to the SD concert later in the afternoon.
Chant chant chant.. Then GD talked about $$. Heh. No one in the hall dare to admit themselves as a millionaire. Seeing that, Mr Ong say he won't take Zaimu from them if they admit lar! haha. so funny can.
MY FAVOURITE PART!! Leh leng was invited to sing again! Two songs, hao han and dunno what. Forgot already. Very nice la.
After the whole thing we gathered (or I, haha) all friends tgt and went for Mac breakfast (:
STUPID ALVIN KHOO (self-proclaimed Berry Khoo) keep disturbing me TSK! Even when Poon the Bear is around. ARGH. JKJKJKJK. I always thought he's a BENG but after today...
--------------------------- in the meantime while waiting for the commencement of the concert-----------------------------------
We blew balloons, exploded them, got shocked, made the o lvl students study, sing ALOT of songs, drank bubbletea, sweets, watched a lil part of the rehearsal (ziqq performed!!), bleh.
SD Concert
So many items to list. OMG OMG OMG.
Fav-ed ones then (:
1. Alvin's item
2. TP's dancing item
3. OrangeCove (cos of ziqq) LOL
4. RP's Acapella
5. YueYing's item
6. erm erm.. still got alot la.. really like 20 more.
7. Oh, and leh leng sang another 2 songs. Damn impromptu! bloody nice haha.
So please pardon me of my STM. seesh. DAMN NICE. But there were some errors somewhere somehow. People who watched it and observed would know. HEHE.
Kind Willie offered to pay for YonChin's and Ben's bday cake, but we still had to pay him back duh. So we sang songs and celebrated lor. Stella was with us also. Bryant was still missing. ALWAYS missing. Though he did come for the SD concert =x
Dinner-ed with alot of people at mos at tm. so lame so lame. and the alvin above is not dynamo's alvin.
Came back to AMK hub and had a spree @ MiniToons. Spent truckloads of money ok?!
Love the items..
Darling came over and we met Pengna then to SSCC with Jerry and his friend on the way. LOL. It was more like a friends gathering because we saw so many friends there! Maybe it's due to the SD concert later in the afternoon.
Chant chant chant.. Then GD talked about $$. Heh. No one in the hall dare to admit themselves as a millionaire. Seeing that, Mr Ong say he won't take Zaimu from them if they admit lar! haha. so funny can.
MY FAVOURITE PART!! Leh leng was invited to sing again! Two songs, hao han and dunno what. Forgot already. Very nice la.
After the whole thing we gathered (or I, haha) all friends tgt and went for Mac breakfast (:
STUPID ALVIN KHOO (self-proclaimed Berry Khoo) keep disturbing me TSK! Even when Poon the Bear is around. ARGH. JKJKJKJK. I always thought he's a BENG but after today...
--------------------------- in the meantime while waiting for the commencement of the concert-----------------------------------
We blew balloons, exploded them, got shocked, made the o lvl students study, sing ALOT of songs, drank bubbletea, sweets, watched a lil part of the rehearsal (ziqq performed!!), bleh.
SD Concert
So many items to list. OMG OMG OMG.
Fav-ed ones then (:
1. Alvin's item
2. TP's dancing item
3. OrangeCove (cos of ziqq) LOL
4. RP's Acapella
5. YueYing's item
6. erm erm.. still got alot la.. really like 20 more.
7. Oh, and leh leng sang another 2 songs. Damn impromptu! bloody nice haha.
So please pardon me of my STM. seesh. DAMN NICE. But there were some errors somewhere somehow. People who watched it and observed would know. HEHE.
Kind Willie offered to pay for YonChin's and Ben's bday cake, but we still had to pay him back duh. So we sang songs and celebrated lor. Stella was with us also. Bryant was still missing. ALWAYS missing. Though he did come for the SD concert =x
Dinner-ed with alot of people at mos at tm. so lame so lame. and the alvin above is not dynamo's alvin.
Came back to AMK hub and had a spree @ MiniToons. Spent truckloads of money ok?!
Love the items..