Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Min-Lee performed for us in my sch hall!
Yes, and I know sleep is good.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Messed up
It's time to blog.. haha
Monday, August 28, 2006
Oh... What a pleasant surprise! (sarcastically)
Why am I feeling this way? Sigh..
p.s: I know what'll make me feel better. My piano. It has yet to arrive. I need it. <3
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Late late post
Saturday, August 26, 2006
I dedicate this to...
Or maybe just a mist
And explicably I'll fade to white
Vanish, and be gone
Or it could be night
And I'll be darkly dressed,
Evading easy definition
And as your eyes' distracted
By falling leaf
I'll merge with restless shadows
And be gone
Then you will discover
What emptiness is a space so hollow
Even its own walls are swallowed up
A quality of missing
So intense
A lack, a lack
Each hour more bottomless than the last
Until your heart cries out,
A howl of forfeiture
But it will be nothing
Ashened silence where I used to sing
And deafness
The howl must strike the right resonant frequency
A wail that echoes all to the end of time
To fill the gaping void in whole, looping wavelengths
From the well of your soul, such loneliness
To make Siberian wolves hang heads for shame
In their convival packs
Then, only then
Might you detect my footprints, indistinct
Marking the morning dew fall
Perhaps glimpse a puff of breath
In the cold, dawn air
You must utter
A howl so desolate, it
Jerks you from your sleep
To find me warm beside you on the pillow next
And you will know how
Close you were to the brink
Of the abyss
And know what missing is
And hold me.
Friday, August 25, 2006
I'm thinking really hard...
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
My favourite movie clip, my favourite part. If you watch the whole movie, you'll tear.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Heh. I did smth sinful this morning. Shall not say what. You'll get question marks in your head.
We did 2 expts in a row today. Physics followed by Chemistry. So tiring. Miss Teo Hwee Hong hit my hand lor. Oh man, wassup with her. Dun make me be crude, Miss Teo. Just because I measured the length wrongly. I felt so totally grossed out. This is one of the wrong results that I got. Haha. Nice colour, that's why the post:

Now, here's a pic of the stupid chemical that I boiled and it just flew out leaving jus a few cm(cube) of chemical behind:
Another weird combi (left: ELYL, right: VanVan):
Did I mention about Man~ explosion of test-tube after boiling? haha. I got s shocked la. My life's in danger, man. LUCKILY we're a sink apart. Hah. I pity ELYL. She broke quite a no. of test-tubes/ boiling tube. Haha. My class has broke a total of 9 test-tubes today. record-breaking eh? haha. During PE, we did the ACES dady workout again. Haha. I like it alot alot alot!! We danced to songs of the 4 languages. Temperature, Mr Q, Devuda Devuda oh~ (heh, the best) and an unknown malay song. DM, ELYL and I went for ice-cream @ the push-cart outside school again today! haha. ELYL had ripple in a cup, DM had Sweet Corn in bread and I had Ripple in bread. Ha. See the similarities between my IC and theirs? heh. no link~.
Well, so long=).
Sunday, August 20, 2006
My very 1st SWO prac...
Saturday, August 19, 2006
SSW resumes...
Friday, August 18, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Lethargical. Such a word? Nvm.
Monday, August 14, 2006
mental tiresome
Ding Tai Fung eating XLB while waiting for me. I should've went earlier, but there were more impt things gg on in sch. Had a lame lame time in macs. Talked abt the Singapore's pledge in the chinese version. joce din 'disclose' anything abt the chinese pledge thingy, den YuKo called Godzilla and he said that DHS students have to say the chinese pledge in alternate weeks. SO CHINESE LOR! joce made me write the chinese pledge while she say it. LOL. Well well. YuKo and I tried to pull joce to amk but i think she's really tired therefore she went home. Got Set E for dinner. Haha. A tuna pancake and soya bean milk <-- in Set E. Ha. Starring at the screen now...
Saturday, August 12, 2006
My day?
Haha. Cos I think we blended quite well. *Grins*. WF took us. Play'd Princess Mononoke and Little Mermaid. Then break for light refreshments and continued with the combine with the strings. Kat was super funny, made me laugh non-stop. Only now did I realise that Audrey is 18 yrs old and is in NAFA under the performing course for the Piano. Wow, many hidden talents. Haha. Play'd Sound of Music and Phantom. GY took all of us. WF sat in and play'd. WF and LC said that playing with the strings is like attending FD meeting. Haha. Shall not mention why. Cos the reason is OBVIOUS! Heh. Prac ended ard 8 plus. But, ya. I only finished my job ard 9. NK and WF helped me alot. Thanks! While doing my job, the strings play'd Carmen Suite. Very nice! Sound so so soothing after a day of drama-mama songs. Haha. Argh. The lib is in a mess! Have to find AL and CL to do the lib tgt. Buay Ta Han. Had a nice talk with LC, WF, NK and JC while waiting for the bus. Took an exceptional long while. Dunno y. It was a miracle that the bus has seats to offer us. Haha. JC and I talked alot too. Yupyup. That's my day.
Towards May 3rd, 2010
1.Let's build a humanistic organization through the actualisation of each leader's human revolution.
2. Let's sink roots of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, show our mentor's greatness with our broad understanding and practice through our in depth study at the District level.
3. Let's courageously promote konsen-rufu towards a target of 50,000 members through our all out propagation effort.
4. Let's solidify the foundation of SSA through the great advancement of the youth division.
5. Let's embark on our 2nd phase of construction of our castles of konsen-rufu.
May 3rd, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
Free periods from now on~
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy National Day
Then, my furious Uncle Sam stomp outside the bathroom when I was still showering and started questioning me: What time did u come back? Why are you showering? How much more time do you need?
I politely answered: Err, sorry. I didn't know that you were coming back so early(He always comes back during midnight). I came back around 10 plus (and it was jus 11 [there's a clock in the bathroom]). I need around 5 min more (I barely stepped into the toilet for 5 min).
He furiously repiled: NO! You'd better come out of the toilet NOW!
I was thinking: Fine, whatever. Whatever that saves the fate of all my beloved belongings.
I QUICKLY shampooed and did whatever.
1 min later, the only word I heard outside the bathroom was: QUICK! (in a super-uncivilised manner, of course).
I was gritting my teeth by then.. GRR.
"Lao2 Hu3 Bu4 Fa1 Wei1, Bie2 Ba2 Wo4 Dang1 Cheng2 Bing4 Mao1" : was the only thought that ran through my head.
I stepped out and didn't bother to even shoot a glance at him. I went to the washing machine and cleared my laundry and NOT surprisingly, he told me off, ONCE AGAIN.
Bloody hell. It's National Day. Can't he just give me some bloody peace. Even strangers smile at one another on the streets. Gosh. I shivered. If a stranger can smile at you and make your day, why is a family member always breaking it and gloom my day when I did not do anything wrong? Maybe it's a wrong mentality of mine, thinking that staying under one roof with a parent is torturous with his/her other half. Only now did I realise that I can only rely on my Mom and maternal Grandma. Solely on them, in my family of 178 people.
[Interval]- Uncle Sam came in and tried to find a fault with me. Too bad, he can't. Cos I'll never let him find a single 'bone in the egg' to allow him so. Thus, he just mumbled and got out. Evil VanVan locked the door behind him.
No more bad things. Here comes the good ones. Forget about breakfast. Come to think of it, it's just a scandal.
Met YuKo and did lame stuff as usual. Ha. Talked abt both of our studies. Whether should I go to ___ or ____. YuKo had it to. Whether to go to ________ or _______. And oso abt La Passio De Crist. Haha. Interesting. In the evening, Uncle Simon brought me out with Aunt Charmaine and CousinClarise out for dinner at Geylang. Well, not a good place, but certainly good food=) [finally smth to make me smile....... a little]. During dinner, we saw the fighter planes, parachutes and do u call that the 'helicopter?' right in front of us, err, right above us, to be precise. Enjoyed every moment of it. Although the NOISE is too much TOO LOUD. Hee.
Last part of the day: Met him and we went to hunt for a spot to watch the fireworks. We caught it a little. It was terrific and magical and magnificent!! Haha. Didn't had enough. So we followed the crowd and went outside the Esplanade to wait for it. Someone in the crowd told us that there'll be a 15min showcase for the fireworks along Marina from 2100 to 2115. Sms-ed SY to check it out, cos he's involved in the parade, he should (or at least i think) should know better. But, he was ambiguous abt it oso. In the end, we got CHEATED. Haha. It's okay. Had great fun after all. We decided to watch it this coming Saturday oso. Hmm.. I'll be able to see the couple there then, hopefully. HeeHee.
Good night!!
With lots of love,
(ok, I'm a lamer)
and ya, Happy National Day=)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Bad day
Thank you so much for reading all my grumblings.
So kind of you.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Just a gentle reminder: The band that took part in the NBC is SSW and we got 87.5%. We top'd the 2nd div and got overall 2nd in the whole competition. Pls do not destroy yr own image and bring others down @ the same time! Infuriating!
Nonetheless, there's some o u that appreciate us. Thank you so much.
2 days MC
Sunday, August 06, 2006
~Lovs SNCO ^_^
Seriously bored...
Saturday, August 05, 2006
You Are a Auditory Learner |
![]() You tend to remember what you hear, and you have a knack for speaking well. You excel at debating, foreign languages, and music. You would be an excellent diplomat - or rock star! |
Friday, August 04, 2006
The Tigger Song <3
That Tigger's a wonderful thing
His body is made up of rubber
And his tail is made out of spring
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

~GRYFFINDOR~HARRY:loves you and is glad you love him are a great couple and everyone knows that you two are together and that harry will kill anyone that trys and kisses you.RON:thinks you are really nice,and thinks you have a wonderful personallity and great charm.he loves you as a sister or a too hang out together alot, harry sometimes gets mad at you for hanging out with ron more then him.HERMIONI:thinks you are great. she loves that you are so nice and easygoing. but finds that you go crazy really too quickly and is afraid that you will get yourself into trouble.NEVILLE:thinks that you are nice and pretty. he wishes you would have kissed him back though.but knows that you are with harry and is ashamed that he tryed to make out with you.GINNY:you too are really good friends. you too are like sisters. she is mad though that you took harry.CHO:thinks you are nice but dosnt know that much about you.PANCY: thinks you are too nice and is your idol, but dosnt show it.DRACO: dislikes you, and thinks you are good looking, but wouldnt dream of cheating on me!!(me:*evil look)PROFESSERS: dumbuldor:thinks you are great at both your studies and personality. loves your nice attitude. mcgonagle:thinks you are a great person at heart and a very smart girl snape:cant help but find that you are really nice,and cant find a reson to take off points hagrid:loves when you help take care of the animals with him voldamort: has no clue that you exist,and i think you like that so you dont get killed you are a really nice person and love to help love the feeling when someone you helped study gets an A and love to be alone and enjoy Gods wonderful creation,the world!
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You Are a Powdered Devil's Food Donut |
![]() On the inside you're a little darker, richer, and more complex. You're a hedonist who demands more than one pleasure at a time. Decadent and daring, you test the limits of human indulgence. |